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Observing the Eclipse at Patricks


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MiniDaz and I were at Patrick's for the solar eclipse, along with 2 other guests, Paul Abel and Robin Flegg, and just before the eclipse started, some of Patrick's neighbours come over as well.

It looked like we might get clouded out for the whole eclipse, we certainly missed First Contact, but then we had some clear spells and got our first glimpses of the 'bite'. Of course, always fascinating to watch but you really do need three pairs of arms and eyes to everything!! As we approached maximum we got some excellent views and the clouds held off for a good few minutes. As we passed maximum, the clouds started again, and then we were back to dodging them so we gave up trying any further images.

Robin had brought some of the little solar viewers and they were passed round as the gaps got smaller and less frequent. And then just at the end, as the Moon slid off the Sun, we had another clear spell.

Throughout, I was charged with taking pictures with a film camera of Patrick's - so I hope to goodness they come out ok!!! - 24 shots, well, about 22 with the tests that we did. As we tried to rewind the film, it became apparent that the film had stuck in the camera. One of Patrick's neighbours has his own darkroom, so he was asked to remove and process the film.

I had a PST out and had it set up for people to use. The usual "wow" factor was in play, and once the film had been used up on Patrick's camera, I tried to grab a movie through the DMK with a 2x barlow. I succeeded, but there was too much exposure, not enough focus and certainly not enough time to prepare. One or two frames show the mountains silhouette, but if you didn't know what you were looking at......!

Paul Abel was sketching through the 3" brass refractor and Robin was using one of the little put-together solarscopes and this proved to give some very good views indeed.

So, all in all, a pretty good morning!!!

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:D Glad you had a good eclipse at Sir Patrick's, bet Mini Daz enjoyed the event, lucky little boy :D :D :clouds1:

I am sure the photos will be OK, if not blame the neighbour / camera / film / or anything else you can think off :D


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