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As I had appointment at Hospital this morning could not stay out too late, Anyway set up aligned made sure everything was tight and started.

Started out in Cygnus NGC 6940 cracking cluster rich colours orange centre star, NGC 6871 small cluster with blue and white stars.

Andromeda next M31 nice bright core i need a dark site see satellite galaxy's, NGC 956 nice cluster reminds me of a trident NGC 7662 this blew me away cranked up the power but could not make any detail stunning snowball in the darkness.

Garnet star next SAO 0336 93 what a fantastic red/Orange star really beautiful.

Perseus next M34 large cluster with dozens of resolved stars, NGC 1245 quite a bit of power here could see lots of blue and orange stars.

Camelopardalis Just the one here NGC 1502 nice cluster two bright white stars in the centre.

Cassiopeia next did not realise how many clusters were here NGC 381 needed high power to resolve stars here, NGC 436 could only resolve 10/15 stars, NGC 433 two chains of stars, NGC 559 wedge shape of stars faint, NGC 581(M103) loose cluster not much to look at, NGC 654 really faint stars two red satellite stars, Cass triple next NGC 654,659,663 last one for me is the best lovely cluster with concentrated centre with dozens of stars across the face last here NGC 752 this is very loose at x40 does not even look like a cluster.

Hercules had to come check out M13 cranked the power up again here x200 after couple minutes started to see loads of stars resolving in the cluster just superb, M92 this is another fine globular cluster must see to a newbie.

Lyra M57 the ring looked brilliant still could not make out central star but there was a hint of colour with averted vision.

Forgot to look at Neptune and Uranus and Mirach`s ghost NGC 404 I will look next time.

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Good to hear you are getting to grips with the new scope Paul.

Some great targets there and it was a real shame I missed what was a good night.

With the winter season upon us as Nick says chances to get out are plenty if you make the most of the opportunities.

Keep it up surprised you didn't take in NGC884 and 869 whilst up there in perseus as they are stunning at this timd if year. 


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1 minute ago, wookie1965 said:

To be honest Damian didn't even know about them I've got a couple of books been picking objects out of them plus targets other people have posted I will add them to my next list cheers. 


The Double cluster the best in the northern hemisphere. I'm sure you'll have looked at them already. Naked eye in most places 

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