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Star gazing on La Palma


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Although this isn't an observing report yet (will update when back with one) i'm off to La Palma on Tuesday and taking along with me my newly acquired travel scope (APM 80/500 with feather touch) along with Baader Maxbright binoviewer, 19mm Panoptics, 8.5 mm XFs and Lumicon UHC filter. 


Has anyone been here before and have any useful tips for good places to go (other than up Roque De Los Muchachos (which is already on my list). We have a private villa which the owner said has nice skies (away from towns) and a hire car. I'm looking forward most to scanning the milky way and getting a look at the Scorpius / Sagittarius region which is at a better elevation than we ever get (even at this time of year).





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We stayed near Tijarafe a few years ago, wonderful skys and above the cloud.  We found the island of La Palma a joy to visit, people, food, weather and sky - I am sure you will have a great time, look forward to you reporting back.

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I was there a couple of years ago, I stayed near Puntagorda for a week then at a spot much higher up. You should be in for a real treat, the light pollution is pretty minimal, even where we were the first week with a streetlight about 30 feet away the skies were incredibly dark.

Theres a network of "Miradors" (viewpoints) around the island, most in dark enough places.

For a couple of nights I drove up most of the way to the Roque, parked the car and walked to a nice spot... the skies were incredible. Take some warm clothes, lots of water - the humidity was under 5% when I was up there according the the weather instruments up at the observatories. I drove back down the next morning.

The drive up and down is very very switchbacked so take a Red Bull or similar to keep you awake on the way back down...

La Palma actually gets loads of clouds but generally only up to about 3000 ft, go higher and you'll be above them, a nice sight in itself.


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