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Everything posted by Thewalkingastronomer

  1. Could anyone point me in the direction as to where in the UK you can get a Rigel quickfinder to synta baseplate (image attached is from eBay US). I don't want to stick the normal baseplate on my scope as it's been wrapped. Thanks Adam
  2. Thanks, I will give them a email if not @Skyline I'll take you up on your offer!
  3. Thanks both, I have tried rotating @varius21 but still couldn't balance with binoviewer. I'll look at the ADM items I think 👍
  4. Hello, Has anyone found any riser blocks for the tube rings to use on the ZS73 so the dovetail doesn't catch the focusser and can move further back for balancing? If so, if you're able to point me in the direction of someone suitable ones it would be very much appreciated. Regards Adam
  5. Just in case anyone is undecided on setting up tonight, where I'm based (south coast near Portsmouth) despite the breeze, the seeing is best I've seen for quite some time. Having some spectacular views of lunar terminator at 288x in my LZOS 105. Thanks Adam
  6. Are you likely to have an excess of the az Pro mounts with tripod for new orders?
  7. Got a chance to use the BBHS mirror diagonal last night and with a bit of wind, the transparency was very good. In use with the Denks I definitely observed a notable reduction in CA (relative to the prism) on brighter star's and in mono what CA I'd noted with the prism was completely gone. Perhaps it was the new gear bias but I had one of more memorable views of M42 with a Morpheus 4.5mm and even managed to resolve some stars in NGC 2158 which is a first in a 4" scope (which of course I'll attribute to the new diagonal!). Looking forward to some planet's reaching a more palatable elevation so I can put it's through it's paces on lower contrast features. As an aside, the 14mm Morpheus might well be the best eyepieces I've ever used in a binoviewer, very comfortable and easy to see the full FOV. Thanks Adam
  8. Following all the helpful advice I've put in an order for a BBHS diagonal as feel given how fast my scope is and with the light path not a worry that'll be the best option for me (oh and another 14mm Morpheus to use in it!). Thanks Adam
  9. Thanks Magnus, I'd read the fast f ratio of these scope's does cause the prism to introduce some CA and like you I see none in mono using a William optics dielectric so perhaps I'll get the BBHS
  10. Thanks SH, it is something I do notice when using the Baader prism on it's own so I wondered if it's due to the quality of the diagonal (hence if an upgrade to the Zeiss version would remedy the situation a bit). It's definitely something I only notice on brighter objects but don't see it to such an extent if using my William optics dielectric diagonal. I guess as most people seem to use prism's with binoviewers I wondered if there was another reason other than shortening the light path. Both the potential choice of diagonls are pretty much the same cost so perhaps I'll toss a coin!
  11. I have a Denk binoviewer which I use in my LZOS 105/650. At the moment I use it with a standard Baader prism diagonal but I do notice a bit of CA with it on brighter objects (this is more pronounced in mono but I still there in binoviewer). I think this may be due to how fast my scope is so am looking to get a new diagonal. Now the choice is between the Zeiss prism or the BBHS mirror. I don't have issues with focus so don't need the prism for the shorter light path so was wondering if anyone has any experience of using either in a similar set up to help me decide! Thanks Adam
  12. Yes reading the thread plyscope posted a link to, the amount of backfocus required is a bit of a concern as I don't want to have to use a gpc or Barlow
  13. I was intending on getting the Baader Maxbright II for my second foray into using binoviewers but the release date has been pushed back from early Dec to March 2020 and given how long they've taken to be released, i'm not holding my breath this date will be stuck to. As such i'm considering the following https://www.teleskop-express.de/shop/product_info.php/info/p11593_TS-Optics-1-25--Wide-field-Binoviewer-with-30-mm-Prisms-for-Telescopes.html but wondered if anyone had any experience of these? The T2 connection certainly helps as i need to keep the light path as short as possible to reach focus in my LZOS 105. Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.
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