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Is this normal haloing from an OIII filter


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Hi all,

I purchased a Baader 8.5mm OIII filter to go along with my HA and RGB set. The other filters work as expected but I'm getting very large halos on bright stars across the field even on short exposures. Looks like reflections to me? Have seen the same happen on my 66mm and 90mm refractors using both a William Optics .8 FF/FR and the excellent Hotech flattener. Cam used was an ASI1600MM.

Two examples attached. 

I had heard halos were common on bright stars, but usually on faster FRs. These shots were at F6.9 however.

Should one expect this much haloing?






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No that is not normal, some of the older 1.25 inch Baader filters did this and there was a full recall, I got a 2" Baader 8.5nm recently and there are no halos like that one on my Veil OIII image. Although I image with a 130P-DS so perhaps it would not suffer so badly anyway being a Newtonian?

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2 hours ago, trev27 said:

Thanks guys, I suspected as much. I got it from a retailer on special a couple of months ago. I'll check with them now - could be that it was old stock.

Many thanks,


Tell them you want to return it for refund. It should go in the bin rather than back into their stock (or returned to Baader - but that's the retailer's problem). I would hate to think it would be re-sold to some other poor unsuspecting buyer.


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Yeah, its not really the retailers fault more Baader's responsibility to deal with it. Its good that the retailer will exchange it, but if they had not you could have returned it directly to Baader and from others experiences they would have dealt with it. 

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The problem is that Baader did not require return of the faulty filter - just proof that it was faulty and a purchase receipt then they would immediately send out a new one. Baader's failure to collect the faulty filters means there are still a fair number floating around on the s/h market which makes buying one a risky proposition. No issues buying a new one though.


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8 hours ago, ChrisLX200 said:

The problem is that Baader did not require return of the faulty filter - just proof that it was faulty and a purchase receipt then they would immediately send out a new one. Baader's failure to collect the faulty filters means there are still a fair number floating around on the s/h market which makes buying one a risky proposition. No issues buying a new one though.


Yeah but they cant win on that one can they, they either do whats best for the customer or they do whats best for the second hand market. They are quite rightly more concerned with their direct customers not being inconvenienced. Anyone who is selling their original filter second hand should be ashamed.....although if you describe it as being faulty its got to be worth 20 pounds to someone.

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23 minutes ago, Adam J said:

Yeah but they cant win on that one can they, they either do whats best for the customer or they do whats best for the second hand market. They are quite rightly more concerned with their direct customers not being inconvenienced. Anyone who is selling their original filter second hand should be ashamed.....although if you describe it as being faulty its got to be worth 20 pounds to someone.

Well in fact Baader were asking owners to bin the old filters and trusting people to do just that, apparently some will try to sell them on for £20 though.


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