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First Moon Pic


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Good morning everyone,

This is my first 'official' picture of the moon. I took 14 images, but this is the one I brought into Photoshop to adjust the levels to produce this image.

Took it last night around 11pm on my Bresser AR-102S with an Olympus E-500, Manual mode, 1/4000 exposure time, ISO 800. While I am the first to admit, I have no idea what I am doing, but I am having fun figuring it out and was fairly pleased with this result.

Any comments, recommendations, advice greatly appreciated.

First Moon Pic.jpg

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Hi and welcome,from me , great first moon image and looks like the first moon pic thatnevery one tries ,and you gotmamgood one there its always about focus with the moon ,what i do and did the first time round was get focus and then take a couple of shots leav things for a minute or,two and then take another .

at that point i would take a dark pic with themend cap on,take it of and slightly move the focus in or which ever and do the same and try it again move the focus slightly make notes in your log book. Or computer  of all settings  ect 

now comes the tricky bit  editing your fine image  Thats down to you one tip tho is to leave all sharpening till the end  and dont be tempted to do to much to it ,

a great first of many great imges 



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