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Only If She Pays For It.

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I got myself a lovely secondhand  Altair Astro Sabre 2 Mount  and I will be using a Celestron C8 OTA. Bright eyes here thinks it would be nice to have another telescope the other side for more detailed views of the planets. I'm not sure but if she is paying I don't mind. Any ideas on what would be a good ota? I know it's a can of worms question but some ideas would be great.


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3 minutes ago, TJExcalibur said:

I got myself a lovely secondhand  Altair Astro Sabre 2 Mount  and I will be using a Celestron C8 OTA. Bright eyes here thinks it would be nice to have another telescope the other side for more detailed views of the planets. I'm not sure but if she is paying I don't mind. Any ideas on what would be a good ota? I know it's a can of worms question but some ideas would be great.


I reckon you are approaching that from the wrong angle..... Given that you've downsized from the 9.25, you are likely to want something smaller than the C8? Correct? The C8 should give you nice planetary views, and higher power/narrower field views of smaller DSOs, so how about a widefield frac of some sort on the other side? An ED80 perhaps? Or even a 152 f5.9 beast, depends how strong you are feeling ;)

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Great idea! :)    Buit as Stu mentions you got it the wrong way round ;)   The C8 is great for DSOs and with the long native focal length really good for planetary/lunar observation.   The FOV is limiting but I found this is only an issue for the large emission nebulae to be honest.  If you don't mind going down the achromatic refractor route I'd suggest a 120ST which at f/5 delivers a really nice wide view with decent aperture.  Second hand you could most likely pick up an 80ED OTA for a little bit more.  Both give the same FOV but I'd suggest something with a bit more aperture perhaps 4" minimum.

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Bright eyes deserves the best available for showing support, especially after all the concern for your bod, etc which led to the big shift.

I would say, build team spirit sharing what you've got until it is fully clear what you seem to be missing, then read Stu's reply again and take it from there.


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Nice lot of information, many thanks. One of Bright Eyes work mates teaches astronomy so that is where the need another scope comes from and I pointed out the prefered ones which you have advised me on. How much! she said. But I have official authorisation to watch out for a good quality used one. I am glad about that as I want to set up my new toy before adding to it. :<}

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