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Vixen Polarie not rotation ng

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Hi Guys, 

I have bought a used vixen Polarie star tracker and I am trying to test it to make sure it works. It turns on and I can even hear the motor sound (i.e. Tick tick) but axis doesn't rotate even if I leave it for 40 minutes. Am I missing something here? I have bought it through astrobuysell website and guy isn't responded to mail anymore so not sure if it is faulty. I dont want to report him without confirming first if it really doesn't work. 

I will welcome any help please :)




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If you can post the serial number we can check if the unit is still under warranty. If it is, it can be repaired (or replaced). If not, we can give you an estimate for the repair. Details on how to get service are here:



Pete - Sales Manager, Opticron, Vixen UK Distributor

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The amount of movement that you will get over a 40 minute period is quite small - just 10° - so you may not have noticed such a small change in positiont. You can easily check this by sticking a small piece of masking tape on the edge of the silver rotating disk and another piece on the body next to it and mark both with aligned pencil marks, set the Polarie tracking and leave it for another 40 minutes. If all is well, the two lines will no longer line up.

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