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Veil, H-alpha + RGB, Cooled, Modified, 1000D DSLR

Adam J

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I posted a H-alpha image earlier in the month, a month later I had sufficient clear skys to add some star color. The plan had been to do OIII next but I would not have managed to fit the 20min subs in around the clouds so I collected some 16 x 180s RGB ISO400'@ -3c  subs with my CLS Clip filter instead. The original H-alpha is 8 x 1200s subs at ISO800 @ -3c. The imaging scope is a 130PDS with a MPCC MKIII.

This is my first attempt ever at combing data from multiple nights of imaging or multiple filters. I would appreciate comments. I spent a lot of time matching the exposure so as to get the same star size in the RGB image as with the H-alpha. I blended the Red Channel from both images first using blend mode lighten in PS CS2 and then did the same with the Blue and Green channels.

Hope you like it so far, ill be adding OIII if I can get some data while the veil is still in a good position.



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  • 1 year later...
7 hours ago, Gerry Casa Christiana said:

Brilliant image. Did you go any further with it. I have just bought a Astronomik 12nm and have not tried it yet but hope to combine it with my latest bubble Nebula picture. I'm hoping to be able to get some more detail by using it. 

Kind regards 


I think this thread was over a year back, so a little dead, but yes I got some OIII for it too.



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6 hours ago, sloz1664 said:

Great framing and I like how the Ha has brought out the faint filaments. Nice image.


Thanks but I think it was not so good lol I hence why its cropped to a square frame from the normal APS-C aspect ratio.

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11 minutes ago, sloz1664 said:

What issues did you have with the full frame?


The camera was sideways. The left side of the image above is the bottom of the frame and the top is the right side of the image above. That left me not getting much of interest above and below. Also I had some coma issues back when I took this so the stars were not great towards the ends of the frame.

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28 minutes ago, Adam J said:

The camera was sideways. The left side of the image above is the bottom of the frame and the top is the right side of the image above. That left me not getting much of interest above and below. Also I had some coma issues back when I took this so the stars were not great towards the ends of the frame.

All the joys of imaging :icon_biggrin:


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