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NEQ6 guider port connections

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Having made great strides towards accurate polar alignment in the last few days (thanks to polemaster) I am now starting to look a bit more seriously at guiding images [my initial visual test kept a (random) star in the central square of my reticle-eyepiece over a period of at least 10 minutes, albeit that it did wander around within that square quite a bit].

The guiding connection that runs from my camera to the mount is described as "a 6-way RJ11 socket [which] provides 4 active-low opto-isolator outputs and a common return line, capable of sinking a minumum 5mA per output". The manual then provides a diagram, copied below.

This is all very fine and pleasant, but it then goes on to say that, although this fits "most common mounts", some either use an "active-high" option, or (and it specifies vixen mounts being in this category) use the same type of socket with a different arrangement of connections.

So I have tried looking on the internet for the guider port specifications of the NEQ6 mount, but have had no joy. So, before I plug it in and fry all the electronics in either my mount or my camera or both, can anyone confirm whether this arrangement is actually the one used by the NEQ6, or if I need to get a 'relay box' to put between the guider and the mount?

The camera is an SXV-H9.



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so are you wanting to guide with the SX camera you mention ?

or do you have a separated guide camera, as if you have a QHY guide cam for instance it can be plugged directly into the mount guide socket with no problem, it does not matter whether the four movement  (N, S, E, W) wires are different because it will sort that during the guiding calibration routine.

if you have the older H9 camera that has the guide head port on, then you need the dedicated guide head camera that was supplied with those cameras, I don't think you can connect that port direct to a guide port on a mount.

not sure if that helps or if I have missed something :)



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I use Pulse Guiding, a Adapter from FLO connects the PC (usb lead) to the Mount (FLO Adapter) and the Guide Scope connects to the PC (USB both ends) in the PC software , Ascom, PHD, EQmod does the tracking and guiding.

FLO Adapter


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Thanks for the replies.

I am hoping to do this (at least initially) without having to fork out even more money [the polemaster appears to be great, but is not cheap!]. Also, even with my USB splitter, I am rapidly running out of USB ports on my laptop.

The guide camera connects to the imaging camera, and the imaging camera plugs into the mount. It is the dedicated SX guidehead. Hopefully, the images below help clarify.

I can see that the NSEW connections could sort themselves out IF the same four connections are used by the mount (in whatever order). But if, for example, the mount used the four connections on the left of the image in the first post for NSEW instead of the four on the right, I don't see how it would ever find the right connections as the mount would be expecting an input from the connection labelled 'not used'.

Also, if the NEQ6 is one of the mounts that is 'active-high', then I need to get a relay box to correct this as the camera is working the other way round. But I have been unable to determine if this is the case.



camera ports.png


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The guide connections on the Heq5 and NEQ6 mounts conform to the standard ST-4 layout.

You should have no problems connecting any of the current cameras to the mount.

I use the Lodestar (and sometimes the QHY5Lii ) for guiding.

No issues, no drama.


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