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First light with new gear.

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After buying a celestron C6 over 6 weeks ago, Friday was the first chance I have had to use it. That's right, 6 full weeks of solid cloud! Strictly speaking it's not new really but second hand from another sgl member, new to me though! I mounted it on an eq 3 which it coped with fine, the tracking was excellent, no problems there although the vibrations when touched were more than I was used to so I do think the mount was close to it's usable weight limit. I certainly wouldn't like to put anything more substantial on it. During the 6 weeks I'd also obtained a set of BSTs so they got first use aswell. What a combination! After only being introduced to astronomy 6 months ago I can safely say that this was my best nights observation by far. My Mrs is consistently underwhelmed by the things I show her through the scope so the highlight of the night for me was showing her Saturn and getting an actual gasp and a loud 'wow'! Suffice to say that I love my new scope (thanks Chris) and my new EP's, and I look forward to many more sessions to come. 



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I have the BSTs in 25, 18, 15, 12 and 8mm. I would've gone for the full set but the 5mm would give 300x mag in the C6 and I thought that would be pushing it a bit so it wouldn't get much use. I used the money for a solar filter instead. Saturn was viewed through the 8mm, giving 187x mag and I was very happy with the view, any more and I would've been sacrificing definition for size I think. 

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