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SV50 - Filaproms - Gotcha


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Well, despite the yet again, lousy conditions, (would love to post up the AVI's to show you just how bad the clouds were..) I have two shots of the filaprom, one as a composite, and one single shot, and another higher resolution shot of the interesting prom complex about 10 minutes later, when it had radically changed shape (loop had gone)

Single shot version, my framing was out, but the 17 seconds I had to capture it, I was not going to waste repositioning the scope..

The composite version, had a total of around 50 seconds for both the surface and the proms, so a bit noisier than I would have liked.

DMK21AU04.AS camera on the SV50


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Amazing - I love all the solar images being posted.

It is humbling to think just how much we depend on the Sun doing its thing within such fine tolerances.

Great images in any circumstances Nick


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Fantastic work Nick, They are all great but the top one is particularly awesome. :)


Thanks Mike, I guess living near me, you know the kind of conditions I am referring to..

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Ahhh...... but I only look up at night. :shocked:


It's bo***cks then too Mike...:-)

(well it is near me, but i;m surrounded by fields and nothing else, so if the winds don't drop, the clouds get me every time)

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What's puzzling me still, is that I am imaging at a magnification of 533 times (8X barlow (4 and 2 stacked) on a 400mm FL scope = 3.2 metres, to a 6mm EP (DMK chip is about that size)..

Should not work...but it does...and on the PST CaK, same thing, I get to F60/F80 no problem, and that's a 40mm aperture at the other end of the light spectrum..

And my FL102, I can push to F81 on the Moon..and still get tack sharp images.. way above the "rule of thumb" limits..


Thanks for the feedback though

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Had some good feedback on this on another forum, I may be just oversampling the data, but still, it's coming to focus and is sharp...

Anyway, I may drop back to F30-40 maximum...

Thank you everyone for the nice feedback

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