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Which UHC filter!?


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I'm looking at FLO's website and have decided to buy myself a UHC filter to improve views on the nebulae but i'm now stoked on which one to buy. I have the choice between:

-  Baader UHC-S Filter

- Explore Scientific UHC Nebula Filter

- Skywatcher UHC Filter

Scope is Skywatcher Explorer 130P F/5


Could anyone guide me into buying the right UHC filter for my scope as i have no idea which one to buy.

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The UHC-S is a broad-band filter so works to help with the light pollution but imho are not that good for visual observation of nebulae really you need narrow-band of the SW UHC and ES UHC is.

Looking at the frequency response it seems the Skywatcher UHC is a little under the performance of the ES UHC in terms of % light passed.  If it were my money I'd go for the ES out of those choices.

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Visually there is not a lot of difference; they all pass the H beta line and doubly ionized oxygen lines with a sharp cut-off either side. The ES and Baader also pass (by design) the red H-alpha which your eye can only just see marginally if at all at astronomical light levels but is essential if you ever try to use the filter for photography. on a small scope for visual use I'd go for the cheapest (probably the skywatcher) just to cut your losses if the result isn't too impressive. Don't forget these things only improve the view on emission nebulae .....they do nothing for galaxies or reflection nebulae. I've always found that these things work a lot better in bigger scopes for some reason, YMMV.


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I personally found the SW UHC to be quite dramatic in reducing any background glow. Great if you got bags of aperture bringing in the light from the nebula but not so much with smaller apertures as the whole view can look rather dark.

I sold my SW UHC filter on after looking through a Castell UHC filter http://www.365astronomy.com/Castell-UHC-Deepsky-Filter-for-1.25-Inch-Eyepieces.html at a star party. My Castell filter now does just a good a job on revealing detail on the nebula but doesn't darken the views so much that your straining to see anything.

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After doing a bit of research and looking at reviews of different UHC filters, I've made my decision. The Explore Scientific UHC has very good reviews and after reading them I've chosen this filter. Thanks guys for the help and putting me a step in the right direction :)

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Hope you get on well with it!

Remember, narrow-band filters sufficiently low power/inch to get sufficient light through (although it's not quite as harsh as an OIII.  Aperture is not so important I have an Astronomik UHC that extremely well with my 120mm refractor (so similar in a way to your 130mm reflector which I believe is f/5?)  My 19mm EP works well with it but slightly brighter response comes from using a 25mm EP (this gives me a power/inch of 5).

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