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Mesu 200 saddle attachment?


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I hope to collect my new Mesu 200 sometime this week...

I want to use a Robin Cassidy saddle I already have but forgot to ask Bern about fixing hole spacing, thread size & depth on the mount.

Does anyone here have this info.?




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Hello Peter,

Congratulations on your choice of mount, I must admit I swallowed hard when I wrote the cheque for mine but I haven't regretted it for a millisecond.

I have just measured the centre to centre retaining bolts at 76 mm, I think they are m8 retaining bolts. Mine came with a Geoptik dovetail plate already fitted and the Mesu plate was drilled to fit this with no modifications so if there is a 'manufacturing standard' for dovetail plates you should be Ok. I recommend you join the Mesu Users group on Yahoo, a wealth of information and helpful advice is on there.

Enjoy your Mesu!


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Hello Peter,

I have found a drawing of the Geoptik dovetail supplied with my mount, I can confirm the centre to centre retaining bolt measurement is 76 mm, but I think the retaining bolts are m6 rather than m8.

Clear skies


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  • 4 weeks later...
On 02/08/2016 at 20:34, kirkster501 said:

What with Brexit etc I noticed the Mesu's have increased in price quite significantly.... :(

I noticed this also, we shall see when the pound recovers against the euro if this is reflected in the price. A 0.1 increase in euros to pounds should be £350 off

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 04/08/2016 at 18:54, KyleStoke said:

I will keep my eye out, I want one but got a bit of saving to do yet

I got the money ready to go but Lukas cannot make them fast enough.  Who says it's a "time of austerity" when folk can blow £5000 on a mount!

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