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M81 - but not as you know it!

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Had a great observing session last night and thought I'd finish off with a few widefield shots with my canon 1100d piggy backed on the scope, no tracking just 30 second exposure. 1st image is of Ursa Major area, with a few pesky trees, and then a cropped zoomed in of the area M81 and M82 should be, I'm sure there's a smudgy fuzzy pair of things in the middle. Anyone agree?  



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It looks like them, everything seems to be in the right place ☺

Nice photos,  I like the wide field shots. I would love to take my camera to a truly dark location and shoot the sky.

I read somewhere you need to be 500 k or miles from a city. No chance of that in Blighty. 


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12 minutes ago, johnfosteruk said:

I reckon you've nailed it Peco, you can even see the bright core of M81 and M82 is the right elongated shape too. Well done.

Cheers. And just with a 30sec exposure and no telescope. It's amazing what's out there, can't wait till the winter nights to get clearer shots.  Going out shortly as it's clear, but still sunny!  

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