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International Sunday CBSAP outreach- June 26 FD's

Tyson M

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I was out helping a friend for a solar outreach event here in my home town.


His AR127 quark combo was down because of a problem with the quark. My Lunt  took it's place on the mount.


I tried to image at the end, but I was playing with my FC with my friend and couldn't figure out why the disk was so overexposed, even at the lowest gain and expsure settings.


I guess I had it on the wrong exposure RANGE from messing with different planet profiles I think. All I got is FD prom shots.


Hope you all got some sun! 




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At least you got the proms. FC has quite an intricate set of controls, which takes some getting used to, I must say. I now have all the presets for different planets, and different solar filters just the way I want it.

We didn't have an event this year, and I do not think it would have been a great success if we had. There was a lot of cloud, and several showers. I did manage to capture a lot of data, but that was down to sheer bloodymindedness ;)

Next year I hope it will be better, weather-wise, but if the sun is as blank as it was yesterday in WL, it makes little sense to set up a whole host of WL set-ups. Given that the majority of scopes last year was WL, with a smattering of H-alpha (4, I seem to remember: an LS35 (which I had just sold to the Kapteyn Astronomical Institute), my SolarMax-II 60mm (single stack), a SolarMax-II 40mm, and my Solar Spectrum/APM 80mm combo. We had no Ca-K, but we did have a smattering of sunspots. That meant the WL guys had something to show.

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WL was featureless with no spots, but the SV90 raptor with lunt diagonal was great. The average person thought it was relatively lacklustre but I knew that was a big quality view. 


We had the Baader continuum filter in but scopes owner said the views are better with the variable polarizing filter. 

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