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Best deep sky filter for urban area with light polution for celestron skymaster 76eq

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i have celestron skymaster 76eq .and i live in urban area mostly i use my roof for star gazing due to light polution i am not able to see much on sky .only moon with some great view .

kindly suggest me best filter for light for my current telescope .

also please guid me what can i expect to see from this telescope .and what maximum can i see.

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The effectiveness or filters varies depending on the type of light pollution you experience and and the object you're looking at.

If your sky is very orange and white light street lamps are sparse, a filter of some sort might do a lot of good for a lot of objects. A generic UHC filter will improve things for the majority of objects in this case.

If you want to look mainly at star clusters, galaxies or reflection/dark nebulae, filters might do more harm than good. They are broad band targets like the moon and the white street lamps and will be hurt just as much with the use of a filter.

If the sky is grey and the streetlamps mainly white or yellow, a filter will have reduced effectiveness. An OIII or HB might still help for some targets (I.E., M42, Veil, ring nebula, carinae nebula etc). 


There is no substitute for dark skies, but a filter can help in some situations.

Clear skies!


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Best filter against light pollution ? ...driving at least 2 hours away from town !!


p.s. any filter may cancel/hide something bothering vision, but will never add anything...

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Hello and welcome to SGL. I personally do not think a filter will be the magical answer to your light pollution issue.    If it is just residential and business producing the vast majority of the light pollution then it may help observing later in the night or early morning when the lights are shut down more therefore lessening the pollution issue.  

If the light pollution issue is mainly street lights that you can not get past then it is a matter of having to travel to a dark site away from light pollution. Filters are limited to what they can achieve and how they achieve it and therefore will not be a magical answer for you and you could be throwing money at this problem and be disappointed with the results. Try late in the night/early in the morning when residential/businesses shut down ,or a trip now and again away from where you live as you cannot beat a dark site to view from. All the best ☺

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