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Filter wheel loading


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RIght...have just bought the IDAS RGB filter set and am now in a quandry as how to load up my filter wheel.

Wheel in question is the 5 x 2" SX wheel.

At the monent I have an Ha, O-III and a UHC-S/L Booster filter in there.....so cant fit all filters in at the moment.

Am not wanting to splash out on another carousel at the moment so was wondering do I go for

Option A - remove the UHC filter, fit the RGB and then put the UHC onto the front of the coma corrector

Option B - Remove the O-III, fit RGB and leave the UHC in to use as an L gather

Option C - Pancake

Have a question regarding focusing too (planning on using SGP and my autofocuser to automate this) and which filter will I focus with? or does SGP do a focus routine on each filter change?


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6 hours ago, Shelster1973 said:

Have a question regarding focusing too (planning on using SGP and my autofocuser to automate this) and which filter will I focus with? or does SGP do a focus routine on each filter change?

If I rember right SG PRO have a tick box to do autofocuser for each filter chance . Or you work it out and put eace one in so it will just use your setting to save time .

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  • 2 weeks later...

I also had an issue with filter loading. I had the same SX FW with two 5 x 2" holders: one LRGB, the other L S2 Ha O3 Hb. In the end I got fed up having to decide before a session which to use, or changing them in the darkness (dropping one in the process), also exposing the imaging train to dust, etc, that I sold the SX stuff and bought a Quantum 7 x 2". Loaded it with L R G B Ha S2 O3 and never looked back! I put the LPF on the nosepiece attached to the FW/camera assembly.




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Looks good the Quantum.  May look at getting one of those later on when the funds have replenished.

Have resolved the situation as the IDAS ones where too big for the filter wheel.

FLO took them back and then ordered the Baader LRGB set instead, which was the set I was planning on getting until the IDAS set appeared.

Have now loaded up as RGBLH and the O and Booster filter are back in their boxes.

Feel this gives me some flexibility and if I plan on just doing narrow band then will have decided prior to starting my imaginig run and will swap the filters over accordingly

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