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Just closing up shop tonight -its midnight and the wife said "Ger, come here quick!, there are lights on out back!"

I took her outside to show her what I suspected it was...beautiful moonshadows being cast through the Red and White pines off the point. There were bright patches of light up around my back road, the light weaving it's way up there- leaving many rays too! Not unlike the ones you can see on the lunar surface, in appearance.

The property here is a "draw" between 2 ridges, with the road in the middle leading down a nice hill to the place. So far I have "cut" two "light" lanes (thinned brush and a few stunted Balsam) so that as the sun goes from south to east there is the normal illumination and also beams of sunlight breaking through my narrow lanes,through the Pines, one about southeast and the other east. They take turns lighting up the forest as the sun heads for home for the night.

So this was my observing for tonight, moonshadows  and tomorrow evening I'll watch as the sun cuts through my lanes. :smiley:

When the moon is near full, low and has a "run" at the forest across the lake, it is an amazing sight.

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1 hour ago, Tzitzis said:

Wow that should have been beautiful. I never seen moon shadows.

Have you ever been in a snowy landscape during a clear night on a place without street lights? In such situations the moon creates very impressive shadows. I sometimes go cross country skiing at full moon and it's interesting. You don't need a headlight. The shadows are very sharp.

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