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North American Nebula HA


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Finally got an image again!  Its been a long few months trying to get my guiding working properly again, to find my permanent mount came out of polar alignment.  I was able to gather 10 mins HA subs on the North American Nebula.  Quick process in Pixinsight and then finished it up in Photoshop CS2.  Came out well for a quick process i think.  I can tell my spacing still isn't quite right but ill work on that.  Just glad to get an image again.  This is the start to my NA nebula narrowband image.  

18 x 10 min subs with darks and bias calib files no flats.


I've added OIII to the HA in the image further down in the post.



North American HA 1st process.png

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This is a CGEM DX mount, a atik 383l+ mono ccd, starlight xpress usb filter wheel 36mm filters, a williams optics GT81 scope with .8 focal reducer/flattener, a Orion SSAG pro and 50mm guidescope.

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Thank you, 

This is a CGEM DX mount, a atik 383l+ mono ccd, starlight xpress usb filter wheel 36mm filters, a williams optics GT81 scope with .8 focal reducer/flattener, a Orion SSAG pro and 50mm guidescope.

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