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Mars images


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The first image is probably going to be my best of this apparition, seeing was about as good as it ever gets and I nailed focus, central meridian is 68° the north pole is at 10:30 o'clock position. 

I put up the second image because it illustrates a limitation of the ASI120MC camera, visually there was an easily noticed bluish haze from about 3 o'clock to 6 o'clock and the camera was unable to capture it. The camera was able to catch the duststorms on the afternoon side of the planet however. The ASI120MC is like the kid at school that has a crayon set with only 8 colors in the box (it is still an impressive camera).



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13 hours ago, mwayne said:

The ASI120MC is like the kid at school that has a crayon set with only 8 colors in the box

This did make me laugh :icon_biggrin: even if it is a little harsh. The top image is an excellent image with some very nice detail showing.

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8 hours ago, bunnygod1 said:

This did make me laugh :icon_biggrin: even if it is a little harsh. The top image is an excellent image with some very nice detail showing.

Oops! Didn't mean to be harsh, I just wanted to point out a difference between the entry level and premium series cameras.

Here is last nights Mars, almost the same view, captured as the planet transited the meridian.


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