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Innovative Ways of Moving 12" Skywatcher Dob with Collapstible Truss and Synscan

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I like the viewing power, GO TO feature, and collapsible truss features of the Skywatcher 12" Dobsonian with Synscan.

What are some ways you have figured out to transport this type of scope?  Is it difficult to disconnect the base and wiring from the scope?



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Collapse the trusses and the tube comes off the base with the turn of a single screw. Remove the handset and chuck the base in the boot and tube on the back seat. That's what I used to do with mine - quite straight forward really. :)

(all the wiring is in the base section)

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Thanks for the reply.  Since you have had this type of scope, what eyepieces did you purchase for it?  They sell it with an SP10 and SP26.

I would probably buy a 2X Barlow to go with any lenses I purchased additionally.   Did you use any of the following with this 12":

Coma Corrector?
Dew Guard and/or heater?
Shroud to Cover Open Trusses?
Laser Collimater?
Telrad versus supplied fInder scope?

Appreciate your insights in items needed.  


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I used a shroud, Telrad, and laser collimator from your list above - plus a two times Celestron Ultima barlow. I also used a Hyperion 8mm-24mm zoom which was a very nice "first decent" eyepiece range. In those days I also had a 30mm and 40mm WO Swans, and a couple of GSO eyepieces.

But the scope itself was superb - only needed a small collimation tweak each session, gave very nice contrasty views of planets as well as being a great aperture for dso's, and I even did a tiny bit of planetary imaging with it. F-5 does benefit from better quality eyepieces though so do factor that in. Hth :)

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Thanks for the reply Brantuk,

Still educating myself about the dynamics between aperture, focal length/ratio, and magnification with eye pieces.

Wanted to get a decent spread of eyepieces to do lunar, planetary, and go after the DSO's also.


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I upgraded my SW 250 manual to the 12" GoTo a couple weeks ago.  Haven't used it away from the house yet but don't foresee any problems transporting it (as above poster has said, base I the boot, OTA on back seat (or possible both on back seat).

in terms of ep, the provided ep are better than I anticipated but my Baadar Hyperions are on a different level. I would thoroughly recommend the 24mm as a minimum.  I also use 17, 13, 10 and 8mm. My 7mm nagler works well too (Jupiter's GRS was almost jumping out at me with that one!)

As others have said, you'll really benefit from a light shroud and collimator. 

Happy viewing



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Hi as I have a fast scope also ,do be more careful with your eyepiece selection you choose as you do not want to buy twice. You are better off in getting fewer eyepieces of quality IMO that cost more than numerous cheaper  eyepiece . The televues are a good eyepiece for fast scopes . If you don't mind narrow views then the p!ossl model is a good place to start ,or if you prefer wider field then the nagler or delos. You have a nice 12" scope so it deserves in my IMO some nice eyepiece selection ,and dont forget  to get the best from your increase in aperture and a quality scope you can only do this with a quality eyepiece as the eyepiece is half the scope. I hope this helps.

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I have the same scope and found it quite heavy to move around. So  I've built a wooden platform on 4 x 50mm swivel castors and 4 adjustable bolts for levelling. It's described in detail in a previous post.  The scope is permanently sited on this low platform and makes it easy for me to move it from inside the house to the end of the terrace where I observe from. I've made a shroud from black yoga mat and I use a barlowed laser to tweak collimation after having moved the scope from the place where it is stored.

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