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Wide field EP match for an ST150

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I'm thinking about acquiring a couple of quality eyepieces for widefield views with my ST150, which doesn't get as much use as it should.  I bought this scope a while back for rich field and have really enjoyed the star images compared to the dob.  But I've been limited so far by my eyepieces (collection of Revelation plossls and a sprinkling of TV plossls as well), which I don't think have got the best out of this scope.

Any ideas?  I wear glasses but generally take them off when at the eyepiece, and am short sighted with a slight astigmatism.

Budget - would like to spend around £200 in total - used or new.



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Looking for a good wide field EP too for my ST120 to replace my Celestron Omni 32mm plossl EP, but going to try the Williams Optics 33mm SWAN after getting great views from their 6mm SPL EP I bought from a member on here. Not going to get it till we get some dark skies again in Autumn, so be interesting to see what others suggest here before I take the plunge. 

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The best wide deals at (just) under £200 I've seen lately are a 30mm ES 82 and a Nirvana 28mm 82. Both will be pretty much sharp right across their massive fields even in F/5 refractors and, with a good UHC or O-III filter objects such as the Veil Nebula on a dark night will be stunning :icon_biggrin:

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Have you considered the Maxvision 40mm?  I really like panning star fields with my Meade 5000 SWA version of the same eyepiece in my AT72ED.  It's sharp right to the edge.  There's so much eye relief, you can wear the thickest eyeglasses when using it to keep astigmatism at bay.

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I have a few from the ES82 range which I use in a fast dob (250px) and fast refractor (ST102). I'm very happy with their performance in both scopes. The 24mm is the widest I use, and it's particularly nice in the ST102 for wide field. I considered the 30mm but wondered if it would be less versatile (the large exit pupil possibly not being ideal for the reflector), but based on the others I've used in the range I bet it would be great in the ST102. Good luck with the choice!

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