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Warm-Room enlargement (Updated)


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At the beginning of June, I said that I was taking a break from practical astronomy/imaging, until around the end of July, when it starts to get properly dark again.

I also said that during this 'break', I would probably increase the size of the 'warm-room'.

That project is now underway, and the 'existing 'warm-room' is now detached from the obsy, and a new concrete base was laid this morning.

16 bags of 20mm ballast mixed with cement by hand :) , to make a 5:1 ratio concrete. Now I'm going to take the rest of the day off. :lol:


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The concrete base has 'set' nicley (perfect weather :) . Today I constructed the wooden floor, then treated the underside with preservative.

Tomorrow, all being well, the new floor will be laid on top of the concrete base, and the old warm-room (two sides and a back), will be lifted onto the new floor.

This will then leave a significant gap between where the old section of the warm room finishes, and the rear of the obsy.

The old warm room, will then be extended to butt up against the rear of the obsy. To explain, the width of the warm room, will be the same as it was, but it will now be longer. That is, extending further back from the rear of the obsy, than it was.


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The old warm room, will then be extended to butt up against the rear of the obsy. To explain, the width of the warm room, will be the same as it was, but it will now be longer. That is, extending further back from the rear of the obsy, than it was

Hope the weather keeps up for you. The warm room must be pretty close to the fence Dave??

Bill£ :)

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Dave did you accidently drop your camera in the concrete? You know the golden rule, dont start DIY threads without piccys :)

I really didn't think a picture of a slab of concrete, and half a warm-room standing on the grass beside it, was that inspring George, so I never bothered to take any pictures, sorry.

Bill, there will still be enough room to squeeze between the back of the warm room, and the fence/hedge, but your are right, its getting close.


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Another good day!!, albeit a hot one, but 'topped up' my holiday tan nicely.

The old warm room has now been lifted back into position onto the new floor, and extended to butt up against the rear of the obsy.

Tomorrow I should get the roof felted (a temporary cover on tonight, as there's a possibility of thunderstorms), and the new external timber work, treated with preserative, to match the existing woodwork.

Once its all weather tight, I can then start fitting out the inside.


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Roofing felt now on, and the first coat of preseravative applied to the new external woodwork.

I can relax now that its 'water tight', especially with a wet weekend forecast.

Will now 'potter along' with the inside work.


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I'm catching you up Robin :) , I'll be 66 next week 8) .

Two coats of emulsion paint on the interior today, and another coat of preservative on the external woodwork.

Will start re-installing the electrics tomorrow, and fit a new desk arrangement. Some carpet tiles to get and lay, and then that should be 'job done'.


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