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First Jupiter sketch 23/05/16


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Im 100% not an artist but decided to give sketching a go and i thoroughly enjoyed it. Also while observing I noticed a black dot on Jupiter, i thought i had something on my EP so i moved the telescope to check but the mark was still on Jupiter. Does anyone know what this is as i have no idea! Edit: Timestamp on the image should be 22:29 - 22:51. I took my time while observing to ensure i got every bit of detail i could see.

Jupiter Sketch (24.05.16).jpg


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Thanks for sharing, sketching is always a nice and rewarding thing, Jupiter is so interesting to watch (: (i saw approximately the same thing has your sketch 1 hours ago, but the red spot could be seen also.

What's can the black dot be? I don't know.. I read there were 67 moons around Jupiter, so to take a wild guess, it could be a moon. (Or a huge alien mothership)

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The shadow was cast by the moon Callisto onto Jupiter. Because of the position of the moon and the sun it isn't obvious which moon is causing it, but worked it out from Skysafari that it was only Callisto that could have caused the shadow, as the other moons where in the wrong part of their orbit to cast any shadows onto Jupiter.

The view below from Skysafari shows Calisto in front of Jupiter, with its shadow cast onto Jupiter in the distance. The sun is directly in front on Calisto. 



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13 hours ago, Yamez said:

Im 100% not an artist but decided to give sketching a go and i thoroughly enjoyed it. Also while observing I noticed a black dot on Jupiter, i thought i had something on my EP so i moved the telescope to check but the mark was still on Jupiter. Does anyone know what this is as i have no idea! Edit: Timestamp on the image should be 22:29 - 22:51. I took my time while observing to ensure i got every bit of detail i could see.

Jupiter Sketch (24.05.16).jpg


I'm glad you found the sketching experience enjoyable Yamez, and well done on detecting the shadow transit. :icon_cyclops_ani:


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