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China's science revolution


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I hope some might get interest from the following BBC article about how China is approaching science and into the future. Presumably there will be some international cooperation, and perhaps we will shortly be lauding Chinese scientists but it will certainly look to give some competition to the European/USA led efforts?


Three of the articles are astronomy, physics and space related and certainly interested me enough to delve a little deeper.


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9 hours ago, Uranium235 said:

Yeah, I checked out the size of their new radio telescope.... its pretty big!! How on earth will they point it?!


the individual panels tilt so they can move around the sky although I imaging it may be limited but that's just a guess :)

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Perhaps that and tilting the antennae will give greater coverage, im not so hot on RA but I would imagine low altitude areas of the sky would be out of reach - so maybe not as effective as an array of smaller directional dishes (eg: ALMA).

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