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So I decided to purchase the attached scope have managed to put it together a but although I had a beautiful box to store the scope in there was no instructions with it? I was hoping that someone Can help with the instructions so at least I can read about what I am supposed to do even if I have no idea!



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Hi Stephen and welcome to SGL :smile: .

I'm not sure what scope that is, someone else is sure to know though... but as a starter I think you need to rotate the tube so that the bit currently pointing at the floor is pointing up and that is where the light comes in :wink:   You look into the eyepiece which comes out the side and focus using the knobs.

Try that and then come back with more questions - we like questions and being to help!



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Certainly looks like a TAL-M. The specifications are here:


And here is an article which details a few of the features:


And a review from over at Cloudy Nights:


TALs are very well considered telescopes, nice find!


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Thanks all, I have now re positioned the scope and turned it pointing the right way. On reading the replies there should have been several lenses, covers, filters and barrow (What ever they are) in the box but the only lense that came with it was a 15mm if the sky ever clears and the moon rises in a position to be able to see it at a time that I can observe it would I be likely to get an immage with this lense, would you know if it's possible to buy the missing lenses , how would I go about getting the sizes to hunt down,  it also looks like its never beeen cleaned for several years would I be able to get the instructions for this scope?

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If you could measure the eyepiece you have and it is 1.25 inch you can buy your own eyepieces to compliment your observing. That is a standard eyepiece size. Let us know what the end of the eyepiece you have measures the end where you can't see the glass bit.

Don't worry about not having any filters or barlow these are things you can get if you want them. They are optional.


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It looks like there are screws at the back of the scope. I guess you can loosen the mirror with them to take it out and clean it. But please read up carefully on the matter and make sure you have good advice before undertaking such an action. And maybe it isn't necessary. Mirrors apparently don't need frequent cleaning at all.

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This thread could be useful:

I have no personal experience of tal reflectors however as stated in posts above the eyepiece size should be fairly standard, measure the width..


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Hello Stephen and welcome to SGL - as you can tell, we do enjoy finding answers to questions here! :D

I see that your TAL (Wow!) is an F/6.58 80mm Newtonian Reflector with a focal-length of 526mm. And you have a 15mm 1.25" eyepiece. So here's a quick telescope-math lesson:

To find the magnification of an eyepiece in a telescope, you simply divide the Focal-Length (F.L.) of the telescope by the F.L. of the eyepiece like this:

526mm / 15mm = 35.06X or 35X.

Simple as that.

Enjoy! Nice scope -


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with a nearly full moon and a gap in the clouds I managed to run outside and find the moon i can now honestly say America did visit the moon as i saw the moon buggy with flat tyers LOL.

The only lense I have is a 12mm and i believe the barlow lense was also in the box but unable to test my theory before the moon was obliterated by the clouds. I was suprised just how bright the moon was. As there were no filters in the box so would like to ask you guys and girls if you would reccommend a set or just  a moon filte for a complete beginner. Also i have read that as Jupietr is supposed to be rearly close soon would this scope and the few lenses i have be sufficent to see the plannet or shoud i also add a bigger lense to my shopping list!:happy11:

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  • 3 months later...

hi guys

so have started to "Observe" with this scope, now looking through the right way up obviously my first sighting was the moon and have come up with a few problems I pick a bright clear night and can look at the moon 

I view the moon and then pull out the lenses to magnify the image. But the lenses appears to be very mucky and also its so bright I can only look at it for a few minuets

so I think I may buy a new lenses one that I can add a moon filter too.

Attached is the image showing the size, but all the lenses show a size of 1 .25” but I cant seem to find what that measurement is for? Does any one know what size I should buy if unsure what measurements should I take?

lense size.jpg

telescome 2.jpg

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