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HEQ 5 Parts


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Hi Everyone,

I have to take this opportunity to say how much I've enjoyed, and learned, from almost everyone on this forum.  I guess that it is why it has taken me a very very long time to write a post.

First of, I live in Amman, Jordan, so I am hoping to get a lot of clear skies (hope being the important word).  I plan on doing astrophotography, and based on the advice most stated I bought myself a HEQ5.  Due to budget reasons I bought one of the older non goto mounts, used.  I have purchased the goto upgrade for it and once it arrives I am planning to rebuild the mount (using the astro-baby guide, which by every account is excellent). 

I guess I better get to my question.  Since the mount I purchased was used, it seems to function normally, but a couple of the plastic parts (like the cap that cover the polar scope) have cracks or they don't fit properly.  Where would it be possible to find these parts? and would they ship to Jordan at a reasonable price?  I understand that I might not be able to find the plastic in the original black, but I guess they could be painted, right?

Thank you all for you help,


Clear Skies



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Hi Fakhri,

Welcome to the Lounge & wishing you clear skies...

In the UK the best place to source parts would be either AstroBoot (http://www.astroboot.co.uk/AstroBoot) or the Skywatcher importer Optical Vision Limited (http://www.opticalvision.co.uk/)

But if all your after is for cosmetic reasons, then it may not be worth the effort\costs etc...


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Hi Julian,

Thank you for the welcome. :)

 I guess the only really important ones would be the polar scope cover and that rubber bit that covers  the worm gear from the outside (there are supposed to be two and I only have one). 

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Not sure of the best place to get authentic replacements, but sometimes other things can be made to serve the purpose.  I use caps from plastic bottles, small plastic drinking cups or the cap from an aerosol can when I manage to break or loose one or other of the dust caps, grommets or similar.

Look forward to hearing how you get on.

Clear skies!

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Fakhri, last year I bought a EQ5 and the cap that covers the little polar alignment telescope came fractured and did not fit its purpose. I later saw in some forums (do not remember if it was this one) and apparently it is not an uncommon problem in these mounts, even for new telescopes. I wouldn't worry much. As almcl says you can either find cheap replacements or even live without them. An interesting point, though: how dusty is your atmosphere in Jordan? I would consider this in regards to the appropriate conservation of the optical parts.

Best regards,


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Hi Almcl, thanks for the tips :) .. I guess there is always a need to try and make it look nice :p

Hi Cinco,  I hate getting things broken .. I mind it less if it breaks with me ;) Well, at least we know we are not buying the super wow expensive stuff, then we would have a right to complain :p  About the dust ... hmmm .. I guess you can say that its always around, sometimes its worse than others, but in theory we should have over 200 days of clear skies (in theory at least).  As with any other optical equipment, never to be left to the open air when you're not using it.  Most of the times I can get by without having filters on my camera lenses, but sometimes just to be on the safe side its needed.  Considering that I plan on getting a Skywatcher 130PDS ... I will have to be careful. :)

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  • 1 month later...

Hi Everyone,

I have decided to forget about the cosmetic things for the moment, I sort of have a bigger issue.  I purchased the goto upgrade kit for the HEQ5, all good and dandy, but when I came to install it I discovered that the worm gear shaft is smaller than the gear that came with the kit.  I guess this means its a really old HEQ5.  The big questions would be:

1. If I was to fill the space in the gear, would that affect the goto?

2. As a worst case, if I need to replace the worm gear shafts, where would I get them?  Are they the same as the ones that come on the EQ5? I tried contacting Optical Vision Limited but got a reply that technical questions would have to go through a dealer.  I would ask FLO, but in previous communication I was told they would not ship to Jordan (to be honest I was a bit disapointed, but I guess you can't have everything).

Thanks for the help

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8 hours ago, al-alami said:

I have decided to forget about the cosmetic things for the moment, I sort of have a bigger issue.  I purchased the goto upgrade kit for the HEQ5, all good and dandy, but when I came to install it I discovered that the worm gear shaft is smaller than the gear that came with the kit.  I guess this means its a really old HEQ5.  The big questions would be:

Hi Fakhri

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