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first ever astropic


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Yep this is my first ever astropic I got me a used toucam pro bought the eyepice adaptor got some more memory for my little ole lappie and decided tonite was the nite the result a portion of the moon

made from 1000 frames avi processed in registax which I have never used before so stumbled my way through that and here is the result

any comments on how to use registax for planets via a toucam would be handy right now


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Thanks for comments guys yes I am pleased to bits really I have read how hard it is starting out in this game from other forums so its good that I got 3 avi's to play with right that said here is the second one just finished it using those settings you sugested James

I think its a tad over processed chaps what do you think?


just one more to go think I will finish it tomorrow as in later today crikey is that the time :lol:

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an excellent start Radio, you should be very pleased with those , are you using k3ccd tool for the capture, if so once focussed keep the image faily dark ,just enough to make the detail out, capture at 10fps, in REGISTAX i only use the 2nd slider for the moon ,take it as far as u can go with out it looking over sharpened, then leave it , click final , if you see a section that looks blurred then just click on the frame and it will go,

do the finishing touches in P/SHOP, but an excellent start



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an excellent start Radio, you should be very pleased with those , are you using k3ccd tool for the capture, if so once focussed keep the image faily dark ,just enough to make the detail out, capture at 10fps, in REGISTAX i only use the 2nd slider for the moon ,take it as far as u can go with out it looking over sharpened, then leave it , click final , if you see a section that looks blurred then just click on the frame and it will go,

do the finishing touches in P/SHOP, but an excellent start



Rog Ok on that info The answer to your question is no all that I did was Use the philips vlounge software I got off the net the actual bit is called vrecord for the capture of the avi I got my webcam off ebay from Germany but it came without any drivers disc I have just downloaded the k3ccd tool prog will try and fathom it later and try it on my next viewing I have paintshop also but that looks horrendous to use as well I will try the second slider option on my 3rd and final avi I took post it later

Cheers Chaps

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What I have done now is process again the first avi I madethis time using just the 2nd slider method in registax I am going to upload the 2 finished images together here it may help others by seeing differences then again I might be talking Silly nothing new there then :lol:



We can all have a game of spot the difference now

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Wow Martyn! Well impressed. Were you using the Vixen? Definite improvement 2nd time around

Have a look at damien's (telescopes 4u) quicky saturn thread for the settings he used. One of the hardest things is getting the darned thing onto the chip and then in sufficient focus to show up on the screen.


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Wow Martyn! Well impressed. Were you using the Vixen? Definite improvement 2nd time around

Have a look at damien's (telescopes 4u) quicky saturn thread for the settings he used. One of the hardest things is getting the darned thing onto the chip and then in sufficient focus to show up on the screen.


The vixen yes I had not ever used the registax program before or the toucam So what you are seeing is my first attempt at processing on my own then the other attempt using exactly the same avi after being advised what kind of settings to use as you can see its a real difference and I am well chuffed and still chuffed with the first attempt also but now my confidence has grown greatly I had read about Saturn being a real difficult target I thought about it last night to be honest then thought it may be better to learn to walk first not run

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