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x2 Jupiter - 20 April 2016


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Well I am now relocated from Surrey to Norfolk (about 1 month since) and at last got to my astro gear last week for a session on Jupiter. I'm still having to set up and break down each session, but plans for installation of the roll off roof obs over the coming weeks are under way The attached annotated images of Jupiter were taken about 1 hour apart, the first just prior to sunset in a blue sky. South is up; rotation is right to left. Both are de-rotated stacks using AS2, Registax6 and WinJupos, with additional processing using ImagePlus and PS(CS2).

Regards, Geof


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Thanks Michael, the best seeing was right at the start in a blue sky. It was the first time I'd used the rig since moving it 150 miles, so I was unsure how well collimated it would be. Once the sky darkened I checked collimation on Arcturus, finding that it was good, but for my 2nd run either the seeing had deteriorated a bit, or I didn't quite obtain as sharp focus.

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