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QSI white-out, anybody?


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I'm using a friend's QSI583 in SGP this week. Both are new to me. All has been well till tonight's start up when the camera suddenly gives me fully saturated images (every pixel at 65000 ADU) even with the cover on and the shutter closed for darks. Any idea, anyone? An accidentla click somewhere in SGP? Other?



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As a quick try before having to get manual - I've looked on the SGP forum and you could just see if it makes a difference changing the read speed ........ This can be accessed via the camera in the top menu. Have it unticked.

Another thought is whether the camera is connecting properly. I've often found the QSI connectors to be a bit flaky and they can drop out on me from time to time (Bluetac has solved this) I'd reboot the camera... although you've probably already done that......

SGP olly.jpg

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Mmm, I'd go with that process 1st....the 583 is a great camera and works well with SGPro, I've never suffered a whiteout though.

just as an additional thought, SGPro is updated quite often, it's worth making sure that you have the latest ver:2.5.23 I think.....ver: has a new focus routine which may be best avoided if the program is new to you.


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Thans all. I've done plenty of reboots but will try the drivers in the morning. This SGP was only downloaded a couple of days ago.

How I love Artemis Capture!!! No features, no problems.... I'll get my flint toolset out in the morning and start chipping...


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8 hours ago, ollypenrice said:

 This SGP was only downloaded a couple of days ago.


Do check that the download is the latest stable version and NOT the beta. They release a lot of beta's prior to implementation and these can be problematic.

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Just another thought as well Olly - Not sure if SGP was being used before..... If it was, then when the last version was downloaded, there has been some fundamental changes and you need to migrate the settings etc. across using an easy migrate wizard within SGP - This is the first time that this has had to be done to my knowledge.


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Thanks again. This morning we just switched it on and it works. This is the latest standard SGP, not the Beta, and is the only one we've ever used. So last night it seems it just randomly fell over and this morning randomly started working again. I've had this once or twice with other stuff so I guess it's the wonderful world of IT in all its darkness!

Makes you think about the Google self-driving car. Hmmm.....


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Makes you think about the Google self-driving car. Hmmm.....

I have a self driving car - I'm still working on cornering and braking but it works great in a straight line ......

Software and hardware don't mix well, Olly and why should they? Stuff some firmware in the middle and it is no wonder we have these glitches - I'd love to get to the bottom of what happened to your QSI last night though! Apart from the over-correcting Flats (my fault!) my own QSI hasn't missed a beat in nearly three years .......

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