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My first view of the sun

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As above really bought a solar filter from Flo and it fits my newt perfectly very impressed with the build so got all set up today,had a bit of trouble finding the sun I used abit of white paper behind the finderscope but might think about making or buying a dedicated solar finder.Inserted the 28mm and bingo my first sunspot.Tried building up the mag to 17x and was quite surprised to actually see an eddy? if that's the right terminology around the spot itself.

After a few minutes got the Missus and Grandson so they could have a look,missus says" there's something wrong with you eyepiece there's a spot in the middle of it",a quick chortle later I explained so had a wow from both of them then the clouds rolled in and in they went.A little while later I decided to pack up and made a beginners mistake at solar viewing.

l removed the filter put back in its box then replaced the focuser end cap took them indoors and came out with the end cap for the scope,"horror" the sun had reappeared and was burning a hole straight through the focuser end cap,this was literally in thirty seconds,I,m just hoping this is the only damage I have done so rule number one when finished observing the sun move telescope and immediately replace end cap on scope.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Lucky escape there. I have a very strict discipline when observing or imaging the sun:

  1. Set up the scope with all caps on, tube  facing north (or south if I am in the southern hemisphere)
  2. Check Solar Film filter (if used) for pinholes
  3. Remove front cap and put on Solar Film filter or energy rejection filter (ERF), as the case may be
  4. Verify it fits snugly and securely.
  5. Insert all required paraphernalia (Herschel wedge, Ca-K or H-alpha filter etc) in focuser
  6. Verify they are mounted properly (so I do not forget the additional Solar Continuum or polarising filter in the Herschel wedge)
  7. Check finderscope is capped, and Solar Film or ERF is secure
  8. Aim at sun with solar finder

After the session I use the following procedure:

  1. Turn scope away from sun (north again)
  2. Remove equipment from focuser
  3. Remove ERF or Solar Film and cap scope immediately
  4. Take scope indoors

I never leave a scope unattended in sunlight for any length of time.

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