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Jupiter Transit 17th March

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Not quite ready to hit with the big boys/gals in the Planetary section, but I was quite pleased with my latest Jupiter effort. I had forgotten about the transit, so was glad I accidentally caught it. 

2 AVIs - one for Jupiter and one for the Moon. PIPP>AUTOSTAKKERT>REGISTAX>PS to combine.

ED80 with ZWOASI120mm and 2.25x Barlow

Just makes me want to get a MAK to get closer to the action though! :-)


Jupiter Transit crop.jpg

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great image with the ed80 im like you wanting to get in a bit more,was looking at something like a 

Altair Astro 6" F9 Ritchey Chretien Astrograph Telescope

but not sure how much ide gain over the ed80,you any thoughts what youde like cheers

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You should gain a bit more in terms of the increase on Focal Length, so should be good for planetary, but you might struggle to get some of the larger DSOs in the field of view - but if it was as well as a widefield scope, then I guess you have the bases covered! Looks like a nice scope, although I know nothing about it! Could be tempted! :-)

I have been thinking about a Skymax 180 Pro to work alongside the ED80 for visual/astrophotography planetary work - looks like a beast of a scope, so would then just leave me needing to get something in the middle somewhere! ;-) Oh, and a travel scope.... :-)

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13 hours ago, Marky1973 said:

Thanks Peter. I'm very happy with it... Just makes a man even more tempting... My wallet is scared... :-)

Very nice result!  It's extremely addictive, as I'm finding out myself.  Your wallet should be afraid, very afraid!!!

lol :icon_biggrin:


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2 hours ago, Marky1973 said:

You should gain a bit more in terms of the increase on Focal Length, so should be good for planetary, but you might struggle to get some of the larger DSOs in the field of view - but if it was as well as a widefield scope, then I guess you have the bases covered! Looks like a nice scope, although I know nothing about it! Could be tempted! :-)

I have been thinking about a Skymax 180 Pro to work alongside the ED80 for visual/astrophotography planetary work - looks like a beast of a scope, so would then just leave me needing to get something in the middle somewhere! ;-) Oh, and a travel scope.... :-)

the 180 looks interesting

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8 hours ago, iwols said:

the 180 looks interesting



Yeah, not cheap (well I guess it is when you consider what you could spend) and will need a hefty mount (I have the NEQ6) but read some good things about it. Sounds like it needs a long time to cool down, so its not really a grab and go scope, but should give good views of the planets. Sounds like it is good on clusters and resolving doubles as well, things I haven't been into observing in the past.

If I convince myself, I may well pull the trigger on that in the next few weeks...

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17 hours ago, Marky1973 said:

You should gain a bit more in terms of the increase on Focal Length, so should be good for planetary, but you might struggle to get some of the larger DSOs in the field of view - but if it was as well as a widefield scope, then I guess you have the bases covered! Looks like a nice scope, although I know nothing about it! Could be tempted! :-)

I have been thinking about a Skymax 180 Pro to work alongside the ED80 for visual/astrophotography planetary work - looks like a beast of a scope, so would then just leave me needing to get something in the middle somewhere! ;-) Oh, and a travel scope.... :-)

youve got me thinking now and looks like it would go on my heq5 with a dsl as well,keep me informed,will start a new thread on this scope and what the guys think cheers

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Sky at Night magazine reviewed it and said it was manageable on an HEQ5, so you should be okay - probably don't want to add too much as well though! Seems they did manage some DSO work too - not an ideal scope for that, but might be nice for dark sky, DSO imaging for more distant targets? But that wouldn't be my primary reason for buying....

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