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Stellarium - msvcp120.dll missing

Stub Mandrel

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After an auto update of W 8.1 Stellarium is barfing saying msvcp120.dll is missing.

I guess it's a virtual com port driver.

Pretty sure this is an issue with versions of Microsoft Visual C++ redistributable (I only have about two dozen versions installed).

Not helped that Windows Defender appears to think the downloader for visual C++ on Microsoft.com is hostile malware ;-/

I've tried repairing the 2013 version but will need to restart to see if this works.

Is there a fix in the pipeline?

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2 hours ago, Stub Mandrel said:

After an auto update of W 8.1 Stellarium is barfing saying msvcp120.dll is missing.

I guess it's a virtual com port driver.

Pretty sure this is an issue with versions of Microsoft Visual C++ redistributable (I only have about two dozen versions installed).

Not helped that Windows Defender appears to think the downloader for visual C++ on Microsoft.com is hostile malware ;-/

I've tried repairing the 2013 version but will need to restart to see if this works.

Is there a fix in the pipeline?

It might be worth trying the PortableApps version run off either a flash drive or from a C drive directory you can make yourself: http://portableapps.com/apps/education/stellarium_portable

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Aahh yes...the fantastic idea of DLLs...almost as bad as the windows Registry.

Call me a Luddite but what is wrong with local .ini files and a DLL in the folder where the application is installed or a common DLL folder?

I was trying to find the Stellarium config.ini file the other day...it can be in 1 of about 10 places depending on OS version.

Sure you can have multiple user accounts and all that...but really, who does?

Backing up settings of applications is a complete nightmare.

In answer to your original question, it is usually easier to just reinstall Stellarium again...

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