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How do yoou stop your bits sticking together?

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It' amazing how easily telesope accessories get stuck together.  Even things screwed very gently together can become so stuck that it's the devil's own job to get them apart.  Short of coating everything in WD40 is there anything that can help with this?

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Grease, Vaseline, WD40 etc. are not recommended - they can weep and/or outgas and affect optics.

I suggest wiping the mating threads with a small dab of boot polish (your choice of colour). I've used this method for almost 30 years and it works everytime for me.


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I was referring to anything with threads, particularly all the items between the back of the scope and the camera. spacers, OAG, T-piece, etc.

Boot polish - well I'd never have thought of that. Thanks I'll give it a try.

Talcum powder haha........no I'll leave it there


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