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Binocular observing?

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Where would be the best section to post discussions on binocular observing? I've recently got back in to astronomy, and I've started using my binoculars for quick scans of the sky, and it's quite fun, although I've only used them a couple of times, so I'm still getting the hang of things :shocked:. I was wondering if other board members use binos too?


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Glad to hear there are others that use binos :cat:. I'll probably be bugging other bino users for tips on how to find stuff, so beware :shocked:.


If you haven't got it already I'd recommend STARGAZING with BINOCULARS by Robin Scagell & David Frydman,one of the Philip's 'astro' series and a gem at £7.99. It gives a month on month account of what to look out for by the binocular astronomer.



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Thanks for the tip, I'll check it out. I already have 'Binocular Astronomy' by Stephen Tonkin. I'll admit I was a little dissapointed with it, as although it's got charts on how to find the objects, there's no clues as to what it might look like though the binoculars :shocked:. Does the Scagell & Frydman book have anything like that?


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It has sketches of binocular views of quite a few of the suggested objects which give you an idea of what to expect. There are loads of photographs as well but as you can imagine these are in the main taken through a telescope rather than binos.



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  • 3 weeks later...

not really binoculars i know, but when the clouds patchy i sometimes take the finder of my telescope *8X50 multi coated and have a look with just this - i find this to be quite refreshing as the telescope in question requires a subscription to red bull to keep moving about the garden nearly 100lbs methinks


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