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Choosing a suitable budget DSLR mount

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So i'm saving up for my first telescope and goto mount to start imaging with and eventually going for a CCD /Mono camera at some point, much later down the line.

Got a while to go and time to pass so decided in the mean time to sell my good ol camera in exchange for a DSLR since their so easily available and plus it would also help with imaging..

So Have been reading around allot and to no surprise the mount plays a key role ;)

Would like to be able to track so Deeper objects can also be captured nicely whilst keeping costs low at the same time as would rather put the funds towards the main project if it gets to costly. So need your advice on a suitable way around it

Here are what i;ve narrowed down to:

Sky watcher star adventurer bundle £275

Acuter multi function mount - £199 - http://www.opticalvision.co.uk/astronomical_telescopes-mountings-sky-watcher/acuter_merlin_multi-function_mount_and_tripod.html

Orion min Eq equtoriol scope and camera mount (motor driven) - £145 - http://www.scsastro.co.uk/catalogue/orion-min-eq-equatorial-scope-and-camera.htm

EQ3-2 mount with polar scope - £140

Feels like it would be cheaper buying a telescope with goto feature and simply using the mount for the camera. Not to forget bonus of a telescope. Have a few deals i've come across hoping  their better then the individual mounts. Will Only be for a DSLR + lens so don't wish to spend much..

Skywatcher Mercury 707 / goto - £249 - http://www.opticalvision.co.uk/astronomical_telescopes-sky-watcher-sysncan_az_go-to_computerised_telescopes/mercury707_synscan_az_goto.html

Celestron 114 LCM - £225 - http://www.telescopeplanet.co.uk/celestron-114lcm

Skywatcher explorer 130 EQ2 Newt - £135 -http://www.rothervalleyoptics.co.uk/skywatcher-explorer-130-eq2-telescope.html

Skywatcher synscan AZ Goto mount /tripod - £227 -


Skywatcher explorer 130p synscan AZ goto (motor) - £200 - http://www.firstlightoptics.com/az-goto/skywatcher-explorer-130p-synscan-az-goto.html

Skywatcher heritage 114p virtuoso - £164

The Sky-Watcher Skymax-127 / goto - £240-250 - http://www.firstlightoptics.com/maksutov/skywatcher-skymax-127-supatrak.html

Let me know what you guys think please? their so many types of mounts with different fittings can't tell which will work with a DSLR. Any feedback if you've used these goto mounts with a DSLR or any tipes on the best way about with my conditions..

look forward to hearing your thoughts. talk soon :smiley:

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Okay so i'll need a dove tail mount with the altz go-to. Doesn't look like i'll need anything else just yet..

that just leaves finding the best deal from the above offers? Think that's it..

Camera with be a Canon.Which one, i'm yet to find out. Either a 1200d, 100d, 600d or 500 or 450 or 700 series :) any suggestions are welcome....

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I think out of all of those only the star adventurer is suitable for AP. It won't take a scope though so you would be using DSLR + Lens. It also isn't goto so you need to find targets yourself.

Some of those mounts are alt/az, this will induce field rotation into long exposures.

The SW 130P won't achieve prime focus with a DSLR unless you modify the scope.

I don't think any of the reflectors you linked are designed for imaging. Skywatcher call their imaging Newtonians 'PDS'.


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Any mount that is Alt/Az is really no use, you need an equitorial for any DSO imaging aspect, the long duration exposures require that.

The EQ2 may also little use, you can get a motor but the accuracy is low and if I recall there is no polar scope option so reasonably accurate polar alignment is not really possible.

So really the smallest goto mount is the EQ3-2, however if you get one with a scope then the temptation to put the DSLR on the scope and give it all a go will be quite high. Also the EQ3-2 is really not up to imaging and so if you buy now you will, very probably, replace it in the future with one more substantial.

So is it false economy to buy something now?

You are almost in the position where building a homemade barn-door tracker/mount is an option.

The problem of AP is that there is are realistic minimum requirements, results can be obtained on less, but those results are not as good nor as consistant.

One option is simply to se if an equitorial mount turns up on ABSUK.

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Unfortunately, finance really plays a key role in your results with astroimaging. 

Theres been threads on here with little challenges that use cheaper equipment or perhaps alt/az mounts and taken hundreds and hundreds of 10 second exposures etc. but its not how you would want to work all the time.

Not having the right equipment simply builds frustration because you want your images to progress yet your equipment holds you back. The mount is the backbone of your astroimaging arsenal and its probably where most investment should go. If you dont want to wait as long, Id say second hand would be the best option. Alot of the more experienced guys here will tell you really that an HEQ5 Pro is the minimal starting block for real imaging.. however thats not to say people havent posted great images using EQ5's etc. 

Also, Make sure your OTA is suitable for imaging.. My first scope was actually unable to reach focus with a DSLR simply because it didnt have enough inward travel, and just was not designed for imaging. 

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cheers for clearing that out, The barn door is deffinately an option and very tempting, something i have considered doing already. Anyway it's just to pass time until i get round to buying a telescope kit. In the proess of replacing my camera anyway and thought a cheap mount would make it more enjoyable..

so don't wish to spend much or might aswell put the funds towards the main project..

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Sorry maybe i could've been more clearer with the question as i might have given the impression i was looking for a primary mount..Still deciding on that and will probably start a thread later once i've narrowed the choices down.

With costs involved it will be some time, maybe towards the end of the following year. So thought a cheaper mount with the dslr would be good enough to use for now without spending to much.

if there's no alternative then no question left for me really but to simply put the funds towards the main kit, understand theirs no point buying twice in this case.. Altz mount slipped my mind for some reason..

thanks again

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There is nothing wrong with that approach, you will gain valuable experience that will help a lot later on.

Your first suggestion is the best in my opinion, get a star adventurer and a DSLR with lenses up to around 200mm.

Short focal lengths will be the easiest to start with.

This kit won't be redundant when you move on to CCD and scope as it will be highly portable and great for wide field.


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If you already have a camera tripod then one of the Sightron nano tracker mounts will fit the bill i have seen the cost for one these as low as £170 pounds but i cannot remember where.

Here is a link to one on amazon but you can get them cheaper  http://www.amazon.co.uk/sightron-Nano-Tracker-Astrophotography-Time-Lapse-Photography/dp/B00D88IPLW/ref=sr_1_8?ie=UTF8&qid=1450784967&sr=8-8&keywords=dslr+nano 

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nice one for that. Some interesting choices out there and nice to see quite allot of variety aswel. I've Noticed the less hassle it is, more it costs. At the end of it all the skywatcher or HEQ5 seem to be the best value for money either way you look at it. Will not be the first time it's been recommended. just thought i would try and find a cheaper alternative but failed miserably :) lesson learned..

Anyway thanks for that guys,i'm probably going to save the funds and put them towards a good mount...

Merry christmas and happy new year everyone


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