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Need advice on camera choice


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Hello guys

I need advice from your side since my knowledge in this matter is still let's say weak.

I am currently using lodestar x2 and decided to consider purchase of a new camera with slightly bigger chip. First choice is Ultrastar but considering the price i might go a litter further and go for Trius sx-285. What do You think?

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Well, i don't see the point but i'm using mainly 6" f5 mak-newt.

I got all calculations covered in terms of resolution an fov if that is what You had in mind. This is not the case.

I am aware that my question is not quite precise. I just have like zero experience with higher end active cooled cameras. Only with cctv (mallincam), planetary cmos (zwo) and lately with lodestar x2 powered by Pauls wonderful software LodestarLive (I hope to use it with new cam aswell)

I am bit concerned if i won't go too deep with Trius and hurt myself ;)

I guess the question should be: Ultrastar vs. Trius SX-825 - Is the benefit of cooling worth it? (other features of SX-825 are definitely great from my perspective)

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Hi MrOD,

I have used the Lodestar X2 and X2c for a while now and decided to try the Ultrastar C. I am still testing it, but here are some initial impressions. It's slower and you will probably need to double or triple your exposure. It's noisy, so stacking is a must. You could employ shorter exposure fast stacking that Martin has been so successful with using his LS and LL. The color is very good on the Ultrastar perhaps because of the primary color Bayer mask. I still find that for public outreach, the Lodestars are hard to beat.

Regarding the SX825, you certainly can't go wrong performance wise. The active cooling may help with the noise, but Paul's software doesn't control cooling yet, so you would need to use the SX software. You could still use Paul's s/w without cooling active. There have been reports from others that no darks are required with the cooling active. The size and weight of the SX825 is also something you may want to consider, and of course it needs to be powered separately for the cooling.

Those are my thoughts, so I hope it helps.


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Just to add my 2 cents. I find that in general for EAA the extra expense of cooling is not worth it for me even when doing 60s-120s exposures (dark frames are sufficient). But if you are also thinking of using the camera for traditional long exposure imaging then in my experience cooling is definitely worth it.

I am not sure how much power the SX825 consumes with cooling off but another thing I really like about the Ultrastar is that it is very frugal on power (just drawing 200mA) which means it can be powered via USB for quite a while. Very useful when you are out in the field or at a dark site.

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