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Supermoon Shots


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Finally got around to fiddling with my pictures from Monday morning. The "red" ones are a bit over exposed and a bit bright, but considering I nearly "forgot" to get up and was flying by the seat of my pants, I was quite happy with the results. I was also wrangling my two girls who i got up to have a look...and who were far too energetic for that time of the morning! Hopefully the neighbours appreciated their "ethusiasm". Anyway, it was a great event, glad there were no clouds....as I will be 60 next time around, and it will probably be cloudy, I'm glad I got up!





Dodgy JPEG compression, but there they are... the "bigger" versions are in my blog gallery.

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Very nice. Love the collage...

Thanks chaps!

Yes, the collage was a bit "cheaty" as I didn't take pictures in any way that would have been useful for a collage/time lapse....but nothing a bit of dodgy Photoshopping can't help with.....(if it is okay for Kim Kardashian, it is definitely okay for the Moon!)

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