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Experimenting with Sharpening, Evening of 25 September

Stub Mandrel

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Just a little chunk of the moon covering Shickard to Tycho. Gave me a nice opportunity to experiment with different approaches to sharpening in Astra. This was as far as I could push the sharpening and keep it looking natural.

Very hard to decide where to put the gamma - too high and Tycho loses detail, too low and the terminator loses detail. I've set the JPEG quality to 5, so this should be fairly true to the TIFF version.

Sorry for the odd alignment and proportions.


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The difference between the two formats can appear quite subtle until you start looking up close when the fine detail starts to disappear in the JPEG compression and it takes on a 'blocky' appearance.

PNG Crop.


JPEG Crop.


The effect is worse in 'everyday' photos where straight edges develop shadows for one example .

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