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Beautiful dawn..


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...this morning. A cool clear sky with Orion striding high then a searchlight Venus, brilliant Jupiter and Mars twinned with Regulus in between. 

It is magnificent, isn't it?!  I had a look out the window the other morning and Orion was striking.  Now, I've been fooled as I thought that bright beacon was Jupiter (not putting bins or scope on it yet) but it's Venus!!!!  I have BIG plans for a morning session and hope this weekend works out! 

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I always love mornings from July till mid October. This is the time when the winter stars emerge from the shrouding Sun.

All those winter stars & constellations shimmering brightly albeit the twilight sky seem magical, and this is amplified by the cold morning surroundings and Venus's presence.

Together it seems as if they're trying to say;

"Thou shan't worry!, Our reign of winter isn't far away! We shall bestow you long dark, clear and pristine skies!"

Of all the winter stars the most magical to me is Canopus! Maybe it's because of it's snow-white colour and it's position alone claiming its space... Canopus: Sovereign ruler of the Southern Winter Sky!

It's a sad thing that you guys up north aren't able to witness it's magnificence.  :sad:

Is it just me or I like to take notable stars & constellations as celestially regal?  :rolleyes:

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