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Autoguide whilst using SynScan

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Currently I am still a realive noob, and am still attached to my synscan. I do however have an autoguider that I want to start using based on the QHY5L-II. Can I still use the SynScan plugged in to my mount, and the Guider seperately connected to the ST4 port and computer running either Metaguide or PHD ? I think simply put, - can i still use the GoTo of the SynScan, but seperately use the autoguider\PHD to guide.

I also think my confussion is around telescope mount contol, for which i would need the ASCOM drivers. As a side, I have used EQMOD and Stellarium Scope to control my mount, but I am just happy using Synscan at the moment. So when the  guider documentation says that I need ASCOM drivers to support PulseGuide for example, is it simply talking about having the divers intalled on the laptop (which I do). Or maybe another way is how can I do an "ASCOM connect" to my mount, if the SynScan unit is plugged in to the port ?



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maybe this is what i need to do ... ?

Connect RS-232 cable to the SynScan control panel using the available slot on the bottom. Then connect the COM to the COM/USB adapter, and that to the computer. To control the mount you need to use the ASCOM drivers (Celestron Unified for SkyWatcher and Celestron mounts).

so i guess I am going 'through' the handset to make use of the ASCOM drivers ..... ?

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It is so confusing.... I still don't have it straight in my head.... but as I recall, I have the QHY guide cam connected to the ST4 port on the mount and the PC via USB.... the Synscan handset is connected to the PC through a usb/serial arrangement but is in PC Direct mode and the ASCOM, PHD guiding software running on PC.

Too complex by far!

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Kropster ... that's I think how I see it too. So I need to use PC Direct mode ? - I need to read up on that.



I think PC Direct mode.... if it doesn't work, I just try changing it!

No doubt somebody with far more knowledge will have the answers.

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The answer to your first question is yes. If you are using your hand set to control the mount then the guide cam is connected direct to the mount via the ST4 ports on cam and mount. The guide cam is then connected to the laptop via USB and PHD controls the guiding. No need for anything else.

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Hi Freddie

So i think what you are saying is that there are two separate systems

A) Mount and SynScan

B) Guider, Laptop and PHD

If that is the case, what is the ability to plug the SynScan unit into both mount and laptop used for ? - is it in place of using the hitechastro laptop to mount solution ?

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