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Hockey Stick and Whale Galaxy-28-04-08 - Good Start but Poor Finish


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Got the scope out for the first time in a couple of weeks. Things started off well , scope in park position , power on set time/date etc aligned on Arcturus , perfect right near the centre of the eyepiece , only slight adjustment needed. ( I will be sorry if I have to ever sell this HEQ5 Pro mount its behaved perfectly)

Went to NGC4631 ( whale gal. - top one in image , NGC4656 lower one is the Hockey Stick) did a 60 secs image to check position - Whale gal. bang in the centre. Move frame about to position both galaxies nicely , started 4min exp , then :angry: , stopped exposure. Started again then :( . In the end I managed 2 X 4mins. Gave up went to bed.


PS - 130mm APO at F6 , Canon 350D at 800 ISO


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That's still a very nice image and at only 8 min's it's a corker.


If you look carefully you can see a lot of noise in the background. Tried to remove some of it. It just shows how well the background noise is removed if you average out a reasonable number of subs.


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Nice frame despite the problems John! I too like to see what it'll look like when everything's fine :angry:


Got a load more data last night , so should be able to improve my first go.


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