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Asterism: Triangle in a trapezium in a triangle...


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Last night I was seeking out some "old friends" in Draco with the 10x50s, when I came across a very pretty little asterism. It's a small equilateral triangle of brighter (mag 7-ish) stars that are part of an isosceles trapezium of slightly fainter (mag 8-ish) stars which, with averted vision (necessary last night as it was so hazy, wouldn't be needed if sky was a bit more transparent) is completed into a nearly-isosceles triangle by a 9th-ish mag star.

I didn't have any charts with me, so I had to remember its position: luckily it was three and a half binocular fields from Polaris, exactly in the direction of Vega. Turns out that one of the brighter stars is HIP 91163.

Question is, does it have a name?


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I googled the star HIP 91163, and it mentioned a name I recognised, the 'Little Queen'. In the book "Deep Sky Wonders" by Sky and Telescope columist Sue French, on p156, it is listed as Kemble 2. As soon as I saw the name 'Little Queen' in the Google search, I suddenly saw a mini Cassiopeia! That jogged my memory of it in the book, which I only got a couple of months ago.


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Martin that is a useful list of Asterisms which I have not seen before. Although I have seen some of these asterisms in the past it will be a nice list to explore with my 15x70 binos.

I have great fun imaging some of these if I have an hour or so and have no particular target for the night.

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