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Cannot decide

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Hello forum , my name is Stefan and i'm a newbie in astronomy , i have always had questions about the starts and whats in the "Deep Web" of the Universe so i have decided to get myself a telescope and i'm stuck with choosing one of the two bellow :

 1. http://www.astroshop.eu/omegon-telescope-n-150-750-eq-3/p,13764 


2. http://www.astroshop.eu/skywatcher-dobson-telescope-n-130-650-heritage-flextube-dob/p,14966 

My question is simple , which of the two should i choose , i see the omegon one is better yet the eq3 mount kinda scares me  and the Skywatcher is more compact and i saw good reviews about it but which of the two is better ? Please help me out . Thank you !

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Hi there,

Both look like good beginners scopes. Personally I would opt for the Omegon with the larger aperture (although I don't know how good the Omegon brand is). You will see more faint details and should find it a bit easier to locate targets. However, the mount looks a bit light for the scope, it may be a bit wobbly. It would be good to hear other opinions about the mount on the Omegon.

Don't worry too much setting up the mount, you will need to polar align it but it is not too difficult. You should be able to set up this telescope (ready for viewing) in less than 10 minutes. The advantage of the EQ mount is that it can follow the path of stars by moving only one axis.

On the other hand, the SW heritage is a well regarded scope, this would be preferable if you want to observe without worrying about setting up.

Hope this helps!  :smiley:

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Better can depend on lots of things.

The heritage is very portable and easy to store and fast to get using. I use mine on an upturned bucket and I sit on a low stool. If you have nearby street lamps you might want to make a light shroud pretty easy to do.

I have not used an eq mount so can't comment.

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One is 150mm aperture the other is 130mm, there is more light gathering with the 150mm, but I don't know anything about that brand to know if the mirror is parabolic or spherical.

parabolic mirror

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Within the price range of those you quoted, is one of a new model from Skywatcher, the "Skywatcher Star Discovery" fully automated Alt/Az mount,  150mm parabolic mirror scope. The joy of this scope is that you can physically point it at any part of the sky and not lose continuity with the auto tracking system.

At the moment FLO, see top of the page, has a very good over stock price on this item, which is within your budget. There should be some information on the web for you to browse through about the scope, but looks like a decent model with a good basic aperture of 150mm, which will make for interesting observing and an additional photographic imaging facility, especially from a dark site :)

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I have both a Heritage 130 and a Skywatcher 150P which looks similar in many respects to the Omegon except the SW 150p has a 2" focuser. The Heritage is a small but very functional  grab 'n go type package. Its weak point is its helical focuser which works OK but sadly, kinda spoils it a bit in my opinion, but views through it are surprisingly good.

The 150P is a much more substantial bit of kit. I have mine on a different  quite substantial mount so can't comment on the EQ3 but it is interesting that Astroshop in their "expert comments" point to another deal with the 750/150 on an EQ4 for an extra 50 euro. That sounds like a better option to me for this scope. But as someone has pointed out for that money you could have a 6" Dob.

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