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How about my sky then?

part timer

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Here is my sky tonight. I spent about an hour with saturn then packed up due to mist. Thought you country dwellers might like to see my Sky's. :(

On the bright side, If I drop something its easy to find it ;) :?


(click to enlarge)

This was Leo by the way!


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Once last year there was a poor night and M42 disappeared in my 6" scope :( . The Trapezium was there as clear as ever but no nebular at all :shock:

However I did once detect M33 in binoculars which was a shock as I couldn't do that from my previous darker location.

By the way the building causing the worst light is to the right of shot. It shines no less than 6 industrial lights direct into my garden and contains (amongst other enterprises) an astronomy equipment supplier ;)


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On a good night in my back garden visually I can only make out the main stars of any constellation, and the notion of buying a red torch so that I can 'see things in the dark' sends me into fits of laughter. There is always enough light in my garden to be able to read the writing on the side of my eyepieces.

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