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First DSO - M27 (second attempt at post processing :))


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So here is my first DSO - M27, or as i now call it "old faithful" because I've imaged it so many times.

This is a stack of 35 x 30 sec unguided light frames at ISO 800 (Canon EOS 100D) with darks and biases but no flats (i forgot).

I calibrated and stacked in PixInsight purely for the fun of it, and to see how it compared to my first attempt. Nebulosity is a *lot* easier, although I'm sure PI has plenty to offer when i learn more...

Here they are (stored forever on Astrobin :) )

First attempt (Nebulosity only):


Second attempt (PI only):


What do you guys think? Comments appreciated (i think PixInsight made the stars too orange).



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Nice M27. I like the overall color in the PI version. The blue stars are brighter blue and the color of M27 is better, IMO. One of the fortes of PI is control of color. You can have it any way you want it pretty much.

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Good first attempt. You have to be congratulated for finding 1/2 hour of clear sky up here. Keep at it.


It was taken on the 8th July - last night was the first clear night since!!! I was just lucky!

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Coming here from your other thread...

This is good. The need for flats is very obvious but a careful use of DBE (keep the background markers well away from M27) would handle this level of vignetting easily. You do need to do that to the linear data though.

Despite your location you've got good colour.

In order to reduce 'colour mottle' in the background sky with DSLRs a dither on a large scale (12 pixels or so) would be a great help and you've plenty of space around the nebula. to do this.


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