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Orion Starshoot vs modified Xbox webcam


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I'm not convinced the Orion would be better.  I couldn't find out what sensor it has which isn't useful, but the specs that are available don't look stunning and if the images on the web page are the best they could manage then I'm a little underwhelmed.

If it's planetary imaging you're thinking of then for that sort of money I'd probably try to pick up an SPC900 from ebay.  For nearer the £100 mark (I think), a few SGL users have recently been quite positive about the ASI034MC.

For video astronomy then the SCB2000 does seem popular though you'll need a few other bits if you want to get it to work with a PC.  There is at least one unreliable seller on ebay too, so check feedback before buying.


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James is correct ..the images are poor and would only be ok on the moon..the iriin in my view was better even though on paper the xbox cam looks better ..used once and in the back of a drawer.

The Philips spc900 is good for the moon and planets but for £100 way too expensive they done away with it tears ago abd flashed the newer model to the 900 at morgan computer's thats what I have..for £100 get the Phil dyer or the mallincam remake of the ln300.

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Thanks all, you answered as I thought you would, shelve the Orion idea. Think I will park it all for now until I have finished experimenting and decide if the next step would be a decent one that is up from my existing PD1.



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