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White Light Solar Sketches 6th and 7th June

David Smith

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I made a concerted effort to get back to visual observing and sketching this weekend. In the rush to get all the imaging done I find I don't really "see" what's going on. I picked up a dual axis drive for my CG-4 mount during the week (thanks DRT :icon_salut: ) and I must say it is absolutely brilliant. No more chasing the Sun across the sky, just line up, switch on the drive and get viewing :cool2:  Makes the sketching process a lot easier and I think that allows me to pick up finer details as I can concentrate solely on what I am seeing and how to record it. The white light system has basically been setup in the garden all weekend and I must have spent a good couple of hours on each sketch, possibly longer. These scanned images of my sketches don't really do them justice to be honest so I will have to have a play with the scanner to see if I can improve them.

I started both of these using my Revelation 15mm plossl with my #56 green filter but on both days soon switched over to my Explore Scientific 82º 11mm with the same filter. Apologies for the slightly inconsistent orientation :embarrassed:


Of course the bit of imaging I did do was also easier as I can just point and shoot, no more arm ache from trying to manually track the Sun in order to keep it in the field of view.

I have been observing in white light for a long time now and, as much as I enjoy the views in H alpha, spots and spot counts are definitely my first love. Could be a kit reshuffle coming up I think. PST out in favour of other things and then an upgraded H alpha package later in the year / 2016?

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Lovely sketches, David and thank you for sharing them with us :grin:. The Sun is really quite active at the moment in white light and as your sketches show, peppered with sunspots. Certainly sounds a good idea with the tracking mount. I'm still torn between saving for a decent AZ mount for solar work or going for some kind of light weight tracking mount to help with the sketches.

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Thanks Qualia. I have been sketching without tracking for many years and did not think it would make much difference but this last few days has left me thinking otherwise. The only downside is some additional complexity in setup but that's just a couple of extra minutes to plug in the drives. Ideal solution would be a way to disengage the drives and revert to slow motions for those quick imaging sessions.

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Thanks Qualia. I have been sketching without tracking for many years and did not think it would make much difference but this last few days has left me thinking otherwise. The only downside is some additional complexity in setup but that's just a couple of extra minutes to plug in the drives. Ideal solution would be a way to disengage the drives and revert to slow motions for those quick imaging sessions.

I do think tracking helps David. I've been using manual AltAz mounts for a long time, but having recently been using the AZEQ6 during planetary observing, you are definitely able to concentrate on viewing more when the target is tracked.

I've never got on with slo mo controls, but a simple single axis motor seems like a great idea on a nice EQ mount such as yours

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I'm no sketcher, but I'll state again what I said many times before. I admire the studied dedication of you guys who do pursue this activity.

A by product has to be, that you make great observers, because you actually study the object and the detail contained therein.

Are you perhaps a BAA Solar Section member David?

I had a look at the member list, but I only saw one Smith in the list. I'm sure they would enjoy your input to that section.

Not chasing away from SGL mind you  :grin:


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David, I'm wondering if your thread should be in the Solar Observation Section of the forum.

If you would prefer it there, I can move it over for you.



Happy for you to move if you think it sits there better. I was torn between the 2 when I originally posted.

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Thanks Ron

To answer your earlier question, no I am not a member of the BAA solar section although I had thought about this in the past and not taken any action on that thought. May be worth revisiting the idea.

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Thanks Ron

To answer your earlier question, no I am not a member of the BAA solar section although I had thought about this in the past and not taken any action on that thought. May be worth revisiting the idea.

I'm sure the Section would be delighted to have you in their group David.

I'm not a member of the BAA, but I have a friend who is the Secretary of the Border Astronomical Society.

He is involved with the Aurora Section. He has a Flux Gate Magnetometer, with a detector in his garden that detects changes in earths magnetic field.

This in turn is coupled to a Pen Recorder which records the changes. Any that are high in amplitude, probably heralds the onset of an Aurora,

so being part of the UK Aurora warning network, they  are all put on an early alert.

All good stuff  :smiley: .

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