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Alteration to me Obby Roof...


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I want to change the roof from a back and front slide off (i ain't getting any younger) to a roll-off, i have 2 X 21' Alloy scaffold poles, the plan raise the front wall and left and right side section so the rear roof line continues to the front  the front and 2 sides will be fixed as the view that's lost is below 35' and isn't much good for imagine, my viewing is now through a mobile Dob, so the roof itself i plan to make a single flat section that will run along the scaffold poles it will be a light weight roof the present roof angle should allow rainwater to runoff clear of the front wall, so the material for the roof i'm after suggestions, i fancy triple vent  polycarbonate with wooden supports around the edges and on top front to back if it sags some hardwood treated timber to keep it flat, is Polycarbonate up to the job or are there better materials...???

The present set-up, now has a 10" newt....


The alloy poles will be in the hedge in the picture below.....


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my only worry with using the poly is it might end up been to light and easily get blown off? thats the stuff you can have on conservatory's ? it could also act a bit like a green house?

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if you can happilt secure it tats cool, my mate had a conservatory with that style rofing and the heat inside was insane in the summer. do they do a IR block version ?

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if you can happilt secure it tats cool, my mate had a conservatory with that style rofing and the heat inside was insane in the summer. do they do a IR block version ?

Hi Tinker,

We have a polycarb roof on our conservatory (twin) it used to be sweltering in the summer (it even blew a thermometer one summer) and freezing in the winter. However, out here we found a film that you can put on the inside which really stops/reflects the heat build up, you need it in spain!! I don't know what it is called but google heat film for polycarb roof or something and it will come up. It is not cheap but it does work and easy to fit. We can talk about it when I come over next week; you can also look at ours if you decide to go down that route.



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Thanks fro the tip Mike, looking around £130 for my size roof which in Astronomy terms is cheap........


Yes, that's the sort of stuff, and unfortunately the price!! As I said it does work and if that is the way you decide to go you can come and look at our conservatory if you want.



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You can always just paint the inside of the poly roof material with a silver spray paint. Much cheaper and it will reflect the heat back out. If you don't believe me just try sticking some tin foil shiny side up onto the roof to try it out. Or try tin foil over a square of wood then put an electric fire very close to it. The wood will not get very warm. (Do it out side for safety).


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I forgot to ask but is there any chance of falling branches, even small ones (large twigs). I had a twin walled polycarbonate roof over my Koi pond a while ago. It was damaged several times by twigs or small branches, I.e. Holed in half a dozen places over the years. It is not as strong as people think.


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